
VIGA Real Estate

Viga was founded in 2021 by Niels Heering, Kristian Vinther and Swiss Finance & Property Group AG (SFP Group) and is a specialised Danish core/core+ real estate asset manager with a strong track record registered with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FAIF). 

Viga has DKK 5.4bn (~EUR 730mn) in assets under supervision which corresponds to a leasable area of ~190,000 sqm distributed across ~3,200 units. All property management is handled by Norhjem AdministrationA/S, which is owned 50% by Viga RE Management.

Discretionary funds: Out of the total AUM, DKK 3.0bn (~EUR 400mn) is managed discretionary through Viga’s residential strategies (Viga I and Viga II).

In addition, Viga has originated EUR 200mn in real estate mezzanine loans in the Nordic market.  

Viga has 27 real estate professionals employed within property management (20) and asset/investment management (7). 

Viga/Norhjem has local offices across the country in Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense, Roskilde and Copenhagen.

Board members

Niels HeEring

Chairman of Jeudan from 1994-2014 where he helped grow the asset base from DKK 0.3bn to DKK 19bn. Niels was actively involved in all investment decisions, restructuring and setting up investment guidelines.
Niels reviewed all investments (and divestments) together with the management team and would personally visit all material acquisitions

Chairman of M. Goldschmidt, one of the largest privately owned real estate companies in Copenhagen (2015-2020)

Appointed by the Central Bank of Denmark and ‘Finansiel Stabilitet’ to restructure banks that had failed during the financial crisis due to mismanagement of real estate exposure (2008-2011)

40 years at leading Danish law firm, Gorrissen Federspiel (GF), which he joined after graduating from the University of Copenhagen in 1981 (Cand.Jur). He served as managing partner (2003-2010) and chairman (2010-2015). At GF he was also responsible for completing the iconic Axel Tower in Copenhagen and landlord negotiations. GF leases 14,500 sqm out of 17,000

Niels left GF in 2021 to join Danske Bank as Senior General Counsel


Adrian Schenker
Board member

Co-Founder SFP Group AG

2001 Co-founder and shareholder of Swiss Finance & Property Ltd

Vice-President of the Board of Directors SFP Group AG

Member of the Foundation Board SFP Investment Foundation

From 2018 to 2022, CEO SF Urban Properties Ltd

From 1998 to 2001 Partner of Swiss Capital Alternative Investments AG, Property Marketing & Sales

From 1993 to 1998 UBS AG, responsible for trading and selling securities for Swiss shares for institutional customers and qualified private customers; previously UBS training programme

Kaufmann EFZ, SIX Swiss Exchange trader’s licence


Kristian Goth Vinther
Board member & partner

10 years at Goldman Sachs with focus on debt capital markets and wealth management

Founder of NICG (Nordic Insurance Consolidation Group) in 2014, which acquired Skandia Liv A and
Liv B (renamed Norli Pension)

3.5 yrs at a global family owned business. Responsible for portfolio optimisation, acquisitions, implementation and CEO

Optimisation, acquisition and structuring of multiple real estate portfolios and transactions in Denmark

In total more than 20 years of capital markets and M&A/corporate finance execution experience

Graduated as Cand.Polit (MSc. Economics) from the University of Copenhagen in 2001 


Tonny elsberg
Board Member

+20 Years in Danish Banking focusing on wealth management, accounting and business development.

Co-founder and CEO with Clearhaus. Clearhaus was the first Danish Payment Institute and with acquiring license from Visa and MasterCard. Clearhaus was recently sold in the largest Danish Fintech transaction to date.

Partner in proVeo Group and CEO of proVeo. proVeo specializes in assisting hnwi-investors getting the best possible risk-adjusted return for their portfolios based on a holistic approach.

Established an alternative investment fund focusing on property, solar, windpower and other renewables


Rolf Furrer
Board Member

Rolf has been a managing director of Beisheim Management AG in Baar since 2016. After commercial training in industry, he studied part-time to become a graduate expert in accounting and controlling. 

Rolf began his career in western Switzerland at a national trust company. This took him via business accounting and controlling at a Swiss industrial group to Metro International AG, where he took on various leadership functions. 

He then spent over twenty years working in various functions including as a CFO in HNWI Single Family Office. 



Kristian Goth Vinther
Partner & founder
Christian glæemose
Kim Dal
Julie Sørensen

Financial controller

Andreas rønn
Investment Director
Tinus Hermansen
Director, Investor Relations & Business Development
Aske Bengtsson
Technical Asset Manager
ESG Specialist
Christina Heering
Rental, Asset & Communication Manager
Florian Lemberger
Head Corporate Finance SFP Group AG